Is "live" music sound possible for under $1K

I primarily liston piano, chamber and opera. I was wondering if anyone had experience producing a realistinc presentation for about $1K not including the source? My listening room is 14 x 20 X 8. I thought this could be accomplished by an inexpensive tube pre-amp ($200-300) and older vintage amp such as a Pioneer Spec 4 or Yamaha approx $300, and possibly some older klipsh's (KG-4) or newer Axiom's M22ti's approx $400. Am I on the right track? Has anyone been able to accomplish this? Any recommendations for any of the 3 items?
>>> Is "live" music sound possible for under $1K.

If that is possible you certainly have a lot of folks wasting their time around here.

I remain,
I like to respond to questions like this because I wish I was sane again and thinking systems below a grand brings back memories before the insanity began. No live is not possable as stated above but here is the help you are looking for- at this price, the integrated amp is by far and away the most important and where you should spend all of your money and effort in shopping. New or used you should spend 80 percent of your budget on a model such as naim,creek,rega,linn- speakers should be just $200 and the more efficient the better. use 16 guage brown lamp cord for the speaker wire and keep the interconnects below $30. also. The source can also be very cheap-just focus on the amp!!!
I personally would spend the vast majority of the budget on the speaker. You could find a nice older set of floorstanders for around $500 and the rest could go for a used int. amp and a source. For around $3 @ ft. buy Kimber Kable 4VS spk. wire and some new/used interconnects for $30-40 a 1m. set. I think you would be surprised what good sound you could get within your budget.
I don't think a $200 tube pre will help your situation. Try for a good passive or just a stepped attenuator from
CBM-170 from Ascend Acoustics are quite good for $328. Maybe a bit analytical and etched so go for a softer amp I would say Creek 4330 but it may not have enough power. These are going cheap used because of the new replacement.