Is "live" music sound possible for under $1K

I primarily liston piano, chamber and opera. I was wondering if anyone had experience producing a realistinc presentation for about $1K not including the source? My listening room is 14 x 20 X 8. I thought this could be accomplished by an inexpensive tube pre-amp ($200-300) and older vintage amp such as a Pioneer Spec 4 or Yamaha approx $300, and possibly some older klipsh's (KG-4) or newer Axiom's M22ti's approx $400. Am I on the right track? Has anyone been able to accomplish this? Any recommendations for any of the 3 items?
I will just add from my brief bout with ownership many years ago that Klipsch KG-4's are NOT what you want - I won't go into details here, but they are not a high-fidelity speaker, and will never give you realistic sound (please do not extrapolate that assessment as extending to any other Klipsch models, especially the classic horns).
Your request should involve some DIY skills to accomplish your mission. You can already cross-out $200-tube-pre idea and visit
Here is a thought: How about an entry level tubed integrated (JoLida, nOrh, or others?) for less than $580 new paired with a used set of monitors or mini-monitors (e.g., Omega, Triangle Titus, B&W LM1, etc...). You would also need a few bucks for speaker stands and then find some lower-cost wires as suggested above. I have been thinking of adding a system such as this as a second inconspicuous listening post in a formal LR of about the same dimensions you list. I don't know if it will work or not, but that is what I have been researching.
Given you listening preferences (mine include the genres you note as well), I might suggest you consider something like:

Maggie MMGs - $400 used
Jolida 1501 integrated - $500 used
Signal Cable i/c's - $20 used
Signal Cable biwire speaker cables - $65 used

This gets you a starter system for $985, but doesn't include shipping.

Your price point makes it difficult (for me, at least) to suggest anything more. I would think the above will give you a taste for what "better than Good Guys" upstream and planar speakers can do for piano, chamber and opera (vs. box speakers).

As a Von Schweikert-to-Maggie 3.5r convert, I'm a strong advocate of planars for the type of music you mention. Hope this gives you some food for thought.

Agree with Timwat, This would be a taste of true hi-end sound and would be an outstanding system for your room size and musical taste. I take it you already have a music source.