High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps

Hi, Gang,
I know that some of what I want to discuss here has been dealt with in other threads, some of them quite old, but I wanted to see if any of you fine, knowledgable folks are willing to help update and consolidate some of this info in a more current thread.
I am currently running my new Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp with a pair of Reference 3A De Capo speakers. I think it's a fine pairing and I am really enjoying what the 300B SET experience brings to the table in terms of musicality and emotional connection.
Still the De Capo, while supposedly an easy load due to its crossover-less design (only 1 cap on the tweeter with the mid-woofer directly coupled to the amp), is "only" rated at 92 db efficient, and based on the most recent Canadian NRC specs, that rating may be optimistic.
So, I am toying with the idea of trying a pair of more efficient, deliberately SET-friendly speakers in my rig, something that might also play lower and with greater dynamic swing than the De Capo's. Note that the De Capo's have served me well and I am very fond of them, but I can't help but wonder if my lovely Kit 1 would shine even better coupled to a VERY easy to drive speaker.
Devore and Audio Note are obvious options - the O/96 looks really tasty. Unfortunately, both of those choices are out of my budget, which I'm thinking maxes out (for real) at around $1500. I am willing to consider used equipment.
Tekton Lore 2.0: This is the speaker that Eric Alexander of Tekton has recommended when we've spoken on the phone, based upon my medium-small listening room and amp. I've read the epic "Lore vs. Zu" thread elsewhere in this forum, and clearly Tekton has its enthusiastic fans here. What I wonder is whether the Lore 2.0 has the refinement of the De Capo in terms of resolution, sweet high end and imaging. Audiogon'er Mikirob has pointed me to the many rave reviews of Tekton's speakers and I'm definitely interested.
I've corresponded with the Sonist folks (who are super nice) but their really high-efficiency, nearly-full-range floor stander is out of my budget.
Then there's the "vintage" route, going after some used JBL's or other high-efficiency "classics" from the 80's (or '70's). I am not inclined to go in this direction, but mention it because it's been suggested to me.
And then there's Omega. I spoke to Louis some time ago and he recommended his 7XRS hemp cone model. But I know all the raps on single driver designs and I'm cautious, although I would like to hear from any of you who own or have owned Omega's.
I'm in no rush to make a switch but I am very interested in your thoughts. Thanks, folks!
One more question: How do they fare at lower volumes? Some speakers need to be played loud to "wake up," so to speak. How are the Lores in this regard?
The Tektons play very well at low volume. In my listening room, 14x16, I generally have the volume near 9 o'clock. At 10’clock it starts to really rock the room. When at 8’o'clock it is quiet. Yet very clear and still dynamic. Remember, this is with my 8 watt Coincident Dynamo 34SE, EL34.

You should read all the reviews. I especially liked the Tim Smith (6 Moons) and Enjoy the Music reviews since they both used the Tektons with the Coincident Dynamo SE. The reviews were thorough and honest evaluations. They match my listening observations. The Stereomojo review garnered their award. So too, Enjoy the Music. Positive-feedback also matches my listening experience.
04-23-15: Rebbi
Have you found similarities between the Katz and the Lore, since you've owned both?
In ways the Lore sounded like bigger Katz, the Katz more delicate. The Lores more bass, more punch and drive. The Katz did that holographic floating music SET thing a little better. I liked both, in fact my for sale ad was for either Lore or Katz, I said I'm selling only one whichever sells first.

04-23-15: Rebbi
One more question: How do they fare at lower volumes? Some speakers need to be played loud to "wake up," so to speak. How are the Lores in this regard?
I'll answer - I found them to play nice and full at low volumes. Actually that was/is something that is important to me, and something I think SET amps do well.
I agree with your comment that the Lore plays nice and full at low volume.
The M-Lore does as well. And by-the-way, I think the Tekton is a refined
speaker, the De Capo doesn't beat it in this regard either, just different.
Barney Bigard's clarinet, yes, Rob I know just what you mean. I think you and I listen and hear music in a very similar fashion. I know those recordings well, both CDs and records. The Tekton is indeed a very good speaker if it gets the tone, harmonics and presence right as you've described.

Rob you'd be surprised how many big name expensive speakers I've heard at CES/RMAF can't get those essentials right. This is exactly why there's no substitute for listening yourself. The quest for that ultra detailed sound ruins natural sound reproduction I've come to recognize.