Preamp Isolation Cones Without Going NUTS

What has been the experience of 'Gonners regarding the best EFFECTIVE vibrational/isolation, cone/footer combination product for use under tube preamps that doesn't cost a fourth the price of the components? Not platforms, but cones, points, tip toes, whatever. Say $100 or so TOPS for a SET.
I did use the Black Diamond Racing Cones, #3 cones under my CAT SLI MkII. Great results and you can find them used cheap.

The CAT weighs alot so I did not need to add weight on top. If you do make sure the ventilation is not restricted. This will help limit vibration.

Good Luck.
There is no such thing as isolation. If you would like to greatly improve the efficiency and there for the sound of any audio or video component then try the Audiopoints or Sistrum products. Fundamentally correct so they will always be keepers.
Sorry for throwing around definitions so loosely. I do think most will have caught my drift, therefore I rather look at such semantics as bit of nit picking. Let's say vibration control?

The Audiopoints are fairly reasonable in price, I will concede, though I have not cared for them under my phono stage. The Sistrum products, while deservedly highly lauded, are my definition of going NUTS (from a price standpoint).