Preamp Isolation Cones Without Going NUTS

What has been the experience of 'Gonners regarding the best EFFECTIVE vibrational/isolation, cone/footer combination product for use under tube preamps that doesn't cost a fourth the price of the components? Not platforms, but cones, points, tip toes, whatever. Say $100 or so TOPS for a SET.
i agree with remarks about DH Cones (from Golden Sound); I use the Super size cones in addition to Jumbo and Large sizes; extreme hardness of NASA ceramic material (next highest to diamond - hence DH (diamond hardness) - yields lightning-fast (mechanical) energy transfer.
4yanx, in my system I prefer the Soler points and pucks to all others I have tried. That includes BDR's with pucks, Mapleshade Triplepoints, Tone cones and others. And it is superior to all sorbothane or rubber based products. IMHO YMMV. Happy Listening! John
As fas as cones, I would start with good brass set. There are other composite material cones like BDR, Polycrystal, DH Labs etc but I would start with good brass like Mapleshade and then experiment. (my composite cones are currently setting in a drawer) Mapleshade brass cones come in 3 basic sizes and performance levels, prices:
-surefoot $38 set of 3
-heavyfoot $65 set of 3
-ultimate triplepoint $110

I like to have several sets of different type cones available to experiment with, get them used here if possible.