VTL, MIT caps and how close is the 450?

Hi Folks:

Over the past months I've heard both the MB 185 and MB450 (which remains my purchase choice). I cannot say enough about how good these amplifiers are. They do everything seamlessly right. Despite all my listening I have never heard them with MIT caps. Wondering what these caps do that can be so much better than Luke Manley's original choices for the design that warrant the additional cost. Are there trade off's? Also just how close does the 450 reach versus the 750 and Wotan?

All the best.

I need to rephraze myself:
In case if one power tube has a shortage between grid and plate which is very typical for bad tube it may result drastical increase of bias current and the voltage applied to the coupling caps will be +520(maybe different in MB185 especially for different tubes) and -50 that results to total of 570V in my case. You than have only 20...30 seconds to shut down the amp and than not to turn it on untill checked by tech.

Normally from the splitter stage's plate the voltage applied to the coupling cap is arround 200V.

VTL coupling caps are rated with 400V maximum and if one will be blown or enough to say become bad the rest of tubes will be left untouched. Otherwise the "part" of positive plate voltage voltage will be applied to the rest of tubes with more or less degree and certainly blow them in the best case scenario!

Please note that very often you cannot determin bad capacitor just simply measuring its resistance or shortage and on certain voltage levels as very obvious example with the tube amps with 450...600V on the plate! bad coupling cap may do a very serious damage

Becides introducing high-voltage rated RTX(650V in particular) to protect the bias circuit from the bad tubes, I also introduced regulated STABLE power supply modifications that realy will not supply negative 50V to the bad tube and it's opposite phase "partner" which is pretty-complicated design taken from basically one of the circuit published at Berning website so the blown tube is recognized by decreased power of the monoblock compared to the other one. Simple, convenient, no worries, do play music even if the tube is blown or even without one at all in case you've no spare one!

Please note that RTX capacitors in comparison to electrolythics have linear operation accross the whole voltage bandwidth thus needn't to be matched 50 or 25% above the normal operated voltage.

So you should realy wage the trade-offs as extra coupling caps realy serve as fuses that prevent the rest of tubes to be blown again due to the UNSTABLE power supply.

What means unstable that if there will be surge the bias currents will rise exactly proportionally as the voltage in the wall that will definitely result blown tube and further the coupling capacitor(s). To recover VTL amplifier after the surge might realy be complicated especially if you need to repair more than one output tube circuit. I always curse when I take this amp appart! In surge cases I don't want anyone rely on power conditioner or any surge protector. Surge Is Faster period! After the implemented mods I've now no worries whatsoever to leave the amp on, don't have to dip screw to bias tubes anymore and sounds great but to tell you it's not VTL anymore! Furthermore, it's now realy easy to modify it to use different types of tubes in switchable operation if and only if I won't be lazy to hold hot iron again(man, that's an addiction worse than listening to tell you!:-))
Well, it's an addiction you needn't worry about me contracting, but thanks for the elaboration...I wonder what your amps would sound like compared to mine...
They definitely sound faster. Although I'm not fan of heavy metal but have few to rock myself up some times and damn that was a day when I listened to everything heavy just enjoying my work effort! Ever heard a real slam? Not as much classical I have whre depth is the king but also sounds great but a-bit thin. Classical in my collection just a few compared to the thousands of rock, jazz and electronics.