Will digital amps make analog amps obsolete?

Is the writing on the wall for analog amps? Is it just a question of time?
Will analog amps go the way of those "quaint" vacuum tube amps :-)
Digital amp is another hifi-ish way to sell pro-grade amps for big kilobucks instead of couple-hundred dollars.
I was in in a high end stereo store yesterday to look at the Merician 861 processor. He had the thing hooked up to a pair of DSP8000 speakers. the digital feed goes directly to each speaker. Each speaker has a built-in digital amp, designed just for that speaker. Sounded great. It did not sound $40,000.00 better, though.....
I'm with Clueless - analog is history. I'll probably be selling my current system and all of my vinyl at a garage sale this summer...
Drat! And just when I was starting to enjoy my tube system. :^)

Didn't they ask the same question when transistors first came out? "Will transistors make tube amps obsolete?" Here it is 40 years later, and tubes still rule. So, I guess I wouldn't hold my breath on digital amps taking the market by storm. After all, we're still waiting for them to make good on their first digital promise, "Perfect sound forever". Hasn't happened yet, after 20 years. So I'm even less likely to expect much from their second digital promise.