Will digital amps make analog amps obsolete?

Is the writing on the wall for analog amps? Is it just a question of time?
Will analog amps go the way of those "quaint" vacuum tube amps :-)
It won't make the analog amps obsolete but, they do make a huge difference. You won't need to necessarily use a DAC from your source as I am using the analog outs from my SACD player.

I have had 28 amplifiers in the past 12 years. There was always something that wasn't quite right. We are just flat-out amazed at the performance with the digital amp. Plus, the power output for the $ spent makes it an absolute bargain. I use a Spectron Musician II.

There will be room for both technologies. I just hope it doesn't get into a mud slinging contest like what happens with the tube vs. solid state or CD vs. vinyl. We all drive " pick up trucks" it just a matter of what brand.
Digital amp is another hifi-ish way to sell pro-grade amps for big kilobucks instead of couple-hundred dollars.
I was in in a high end stereo store yesterday to look at the Merician 861 processor. He had the thing hooked up to a pair of DSP8000 speakers. the digital feed goes directly to each speaker. Each speaker has a built-in digital amp, designed just for that speaker. Sounded great. It did not sound $40,000.00 better, though.....
I'm with Clueless - analog is history. I'll probably be selling my current system and all of my vinyl at a garage sale this summer...