Conrad Johnson PV10AL Tube & Polarity Questions?

I don't have the owners manual for mine but I thought I read somewhere that the CJ's invert polarity? Is this true because it sure sounds that way in my system. I also would like to experiment with changing some tubes around. I listen to Rock & Roll. I have a pair of Tylo Monitors, Mc Cormack DNA-1, Philips 963SA with DH labs cable. I have never swapped tubes & have no idea what should be in there or is what in there at the moment. Where do I begin?
M, during the last decade or so, c-j has simplified its preamp designs and now uses only one gain stage in the line stages of its preamps. Of course, with an odd number of gain stages, namely one, these do indeed invert signal polarity. I've owned 3 c-j preamps, 2 somewhat old (a PV5 and a Premier 3) and one newer one, a PV10AL without balance control. The first 2 have 4 gain stages (including the fono section), the latter just 1.

My strong language was due to your use of 100%-universal, all-encompassing language when it's simply not correct. For instance, your initial statement AND restatement are as incorrect as saying that all woman drivers are poor drivers. It simply isn't so.

This hobby is difficult enough for some of us without incorrect statements such as yours. Pls understand--I'm not trying to start an arguement here, I'm merely trying to assist in communicating clearly. Perhaps in the future you might say something like virtually all modern c-j preamps invert polarity.

But of course you may write anything you like, just as I can.
I am about to receive a CJ Premier 2 that is coming without a manual. Does it invert polarity?
I would email CJ and ask them and see if they can send you a manual. They have always been extremely helpful when I had dealings with them. A first class outfit when it comes to customer support.
Scott, I believe the Premier 2 has the same basic structure as the Premier 3, that being 2 gain stages each in the fono and line sections. That means that neither section inverts signal polarity.

But do follow Herman's advice and request a manual.
Well, I just checked the tech info at CJ's site and it explains that the early models did not invert phase. The Premier 7 was the first model to invert. Anything before this was phase correct.
Thanks for the support. Scott