Conrad Johnson PV10AL Tube & Polarity Questions?

I don't have the owners manual for mine but I thought I read somewhere that the CJ's invert polarity? Is this true because it sure sounds that way in my system. I also would like to experiment with changing some tubes around. I listen to Rock & Roll. I have a pair of Tylo Monitors, Mc Cormack DNA-1, Philips 963SA with DH labs cable. I have never swapped tubes & have no idea what should be in there or is what in there at the moment. Where do I begin?
I am about to receive a CJ Premier 2 that is coming without a manual. Does it invert polarity?
I would email CJ and ask them and see if they can send you a manual. They have always been extremely helpful when I had dealings with them. A first class outfit when it comes to customer support.
Scott, I believe the Premier 2 has the same basic structure as the Premier 3, that being 2 gain stages each in the fono and line sections. That means that neither section inverts signal polarity.

But do follow Herman's advice and request a manual.
Well, I just checked the tech info at CJ's site and it explains that the early models did not invert phase. The Premier 7 was the first model to invert. Anything before this was phase correct.
Thanks for the support. Scott
Jeffery, I regret the "universal" statement. Perhaps it was somewhat overstated in excitment... You do however confirm that the PV10 inverts polarity - yes ? Good. (For sake of clear communication!)

For the future, I take note of your suggestion with my thanks.

By the way, my best friend's wife is an excellent driver !