I must chime in here. I am running 10 DHT watts into my 90db efficient speakers in a 24x18 room with 8 foot ceilings. I sit 7 feet back from the front plane of my speakers and find the combo wonderful. Very dynamic with no hint of distortion, noise or compression at the listening levels I like.
I listen at 75-80 DB and when I get a wild hair up to perhaps 89db weighted average. I have turned it up higher to test and the amp powers my speakers fine.
I was skeptical this combo would work and had been using 300 solid state watts per channel. Well, it is indeed working. My amp is an Ultra Fi Monaco 845 amp that only pushes the tubes to 50-60 percent of their rating. So I think it is a powerful and robust 10 watts. My speakers are 8 ohm and do not drop below 6 ohm I am told. I don't need anymore power. I simply don't.
One must try a combo to know for sure as paper specs can only go so far. Now paper can help you avoid obvious mismatches and one should always start here.
I listen at 75-80 DB and when I get a wild hair up to perhaps 89db weighted average. I have turned it up higher to test and the amp powers my speakers fine.
I was skeptical this combo would work and had been using 300 solid state watts per channel. Well, it is indeed working. My amp is an Ultra Fi Monaco 845 amp that only pushes the tubes to 50-60 percent of their rating. So I think it is a powerful and robust 10 watts. My speakers are 8 ohm and do not drop below 6 ohm I am told. I don't need anymore power. I simply don't.
One must try a combo to know for sure as paper specs can only go so far. Now paper can help you avoid obvious mismatches and one should always start here.