What's the best preamp for my system?


Here's my system:

Theta Pearl Transport
Theta DS Pro Basic II DAC
Cary SLM 100 mono block amps
ProAc Studio 200 speakers.
Tara prism 33 interconnects
Nordost Super Flatline biwire cables

It has taken me 5 years and $4000 to get this far. I'm quite pleased with the sound now, but I'm ready to upgrade to a real preamp. I'm currently using a Carver C-2, it's dry and slightly more analytical than I like. My main complaint is that it has zero ability to provide a 3D spatial quality to the music. It's also a bit bright and forward, but I can live with that.

I have no bias toward SS or tube. I've heard both and believe it is possible to get where I want with either one. I've got $1200 max to spend and I would like to keep my price in the $1000 range so I can start looking for better interconnects and speaker cabels.

I've audtioned an Electrocompaniet 4.5, and an Audio Research SP12, and a Mcintosh C31V so far. The Electrocompaniet was good, but only slightly better than the Mac C31V, and not worth the $2000 the dealer was asking imho. The Audio Research was very dull sounding, almost like a dolby B or C filter had been added and my speakers were trying to drive through a wet towel. I don't think I like the Audio Research "sound". So far Mac is the clear leader in my listening research.

Other preamps I'm considering:

Spectral DMC-10 Delta
Rogue Audio 66
Sonic Frontiers

I've read about 30-50 reviews and I'm just plain confused about where to look at this point. Any guidance from those that like the clean, smooth sound of the Cary and ProAc combination would be gladly appreciated.



I've been auditioning a new Eastern Electric MiniMax tube preamp for a week, comparing it with my Korneff transformer-coupled linestage, and have been very impressed, it costs less than $1200. And, I think it probably has everything you're looking for based on your complaint about Carver C-2, assuming that you can live with its three line inputs and two sets of output. I previously owned a much upgraded Cary SLP-94P, and this little wonder betters it. It also responds very well to different tubes and power cords I've tried. I have no affiliation with the very kind and helpful US importer, but I feel this little preamp deserves your attention.
Today I received my new BV Audio P-1 preamp. It is absoulutely sensational. Clean, clear, detailed, and smooth. You probably cannot find a better preamp at any price. It is the first preamp I've had that does not degrade the sound to some extent compared to direct CD input to the amplifier, and I've owned at least one Stereophile Class A preamp by Conrad Johnson. I no longer need to run my Levinson CD player directly into the amp because I now own a preamp that is utterly transparent. Check out their website and eAudionet.com
Another vote for EVS attenuators at new price of $350 with 30 day trial money back offer from tweakaudio.com
Ridiculously cheap, but amazing performance if you just listen to one source like CD's. I have them on the inputs of my Cary amp, and they just let the music pass so the amp can do its thing. These were collector's items for some time when temporarily out of production. Because they are invisible in use you save on interconnect and shelf not needed. Leaves more money for best recordings you can find.
Eastern Electric MiniMax. I just recieved mine the other day. I auditioned it against the AES DJH Signature (CARY) at the store and ended up buying it. Check the reviews on the Website - www.eeaudio.com - If you can audition this at home, give it a try. You will be amazed.