Which Tube Integrated? Rogue v. Cary v. ARC

I'm new (6 months) to this obsession, but have discovered a fondness for tubes, yet a need to keep things as simple as possible (i.e., integrated instead of separates).

There appear to be three reasonable integrated tube amps on the market: Rogue Tempest Magnum, Cary SLI-80, and the new ARC VSI-55. The latter is based on the 2002 VS-55 tube amp, and is new enough that it is not even on ARC's web site yet.

Anyone with enough experience with any of these to offer an enlightened opinion?

Ag insider logo xs@2xgdf01
Hi, Don't forget Aronov LS960I. It weighs 58 lbs, not the 85lbs listed on their website. Has been outstanding throughout the entire sound spectrum, with a distinctive ability to allow speakers to reveal low bass other amps miss. A very natural, alive sounding unit. Pretty much an unknown company seemingly relying on word of mouth recommendations of current owners, and a few dealers.
I no nothing about tubes as my integrated is all SS but I just got done reading again the review in Stereophile about the Unison Unico Hybrid Integrated. Seems very interesting, combines tubes and ss in one at a decent price! Maybe others who have first hand experience with this will chime in.


I recently compared the Cary and the Rogue.
it was eye opening. Check it out here.
Good luck!
Depends very much on the speakers you intend to use.

I've been running an SLI-80 into ProAc speakers for years.
Lovely sound.
