Which Tube Integrated? Rogue v. Cary v. ARC

I'm new (6 months) to this obsession, but have discovered a fondness for tubes, yet a need to keep things as simple as possible (i.e., integrated instead of separates).

There appear to be three reasonable integrated tube amps on the market: Rogue Tempest Magnum, Cary SLI-80, and the new ARC VSI-55. The latter is based on the 2002 VS-55 tube amp, and is new enough that it is not even on ARC's web site yet.

Anyone with enough experience with any of these to offer an enlightened opinion?

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I no nothing about tubes as my integrated is all SS but I just got done reading again the review in Stereophile about the Unison Unico Hybrid Integrated. Seems very interesting, combines tubes and ss in one at a decent price! Maybe others who have first hand experience with this will chime in.


I recently compared the Cary and the Rogue.
it was eye opening. Check it out here.
Good luck!
Depends very much on the speakers you intend to use.

I've been running an SLI-80 into ProAc speakers for years.
Lovely sound.

I have Meadowlark Kestral-2's, which are just being broken in via a solid state amp. Form factor (smallish) and my enjoyement of Meadowlark's sound sold me on these.
I also used the Unison SR-1 temporarily.
I had to get back to full tubes (The SR-1 is a Hybrid)
I emailed Unison about the difference in the Unico and the SR-1.
Besides the obvious difference visually (the SR-1 is the typical Italian visual aesthetic, shiny/wooden/ really, really beautiful) while the Unico is the typical, if nicely finsihed, silver faced box, Mr/Dr I cant remember his name designer/owner of Unison actually emailed me personally, to say that the SR-1 was the "more substantial product"/

Take that as you like. I can't remember the price difference, but had I never heard a full tube setup with some balls, I would have never looked back. That SR-1 was damn smooth, 2 tube input, ss output, it could rock, and it had the best remote ever- RF vs IR, so that it can see through walls, etc.

Anyway, I say get a tubed integrated, but if you're scared of 10 tubes (my Rogue is auto bias, and never makes a peep of tube noise) and you don't want to jump in with both feet, I found that the Unsion offered good performance for the $.