Integrated for my Aerial 7B's ?

I am downsizing from 5 too 2 channel, I would like to use a integrated if possible for my 7B's, I am thinking of a krell kav 300IL, any opinions or alternatives ? thanks
If you can afford them, Gryphon electronics and Aerial are a perfect match. I have had the Gryphon S100 and Tabu pre for a while. I went through Vandersteen 3Asig, Soliloquy 6.3s, and Von Schweikert VR-4s (updated).When I purchased a set of Aerial 8s everything came together. The sound is awsome. I also have a Gryphon Tabu integrated that I hooked up to the 8s. I never knew an integrated could sound that good.
Good Luck in your search.