Please help - Impotence problem

Okay, forget my impotence problem, I have a more important issue with an impedance problem. Or do I? The latest incarnation of my system sounds truly fantastic and live but only at very high volume. I�ve read somewhere in the past that this may be a sign there�s an impedance mismatch somewhere in the system.

Can someone tell me how to find such a mismatch? I have two Counterpoint NP220 stereo amps bi-amped to a pair of Waveform Mach 13�s with an external crossover. My preamp is a Counterpoint SA-11. I�m assuming the Counterpoints work together so what could the problem be? Currently I�m just running digital (Sony SCD-777es) so I�m not concerned (yet) with my analogue rig.

(the two Counterpoint amps were SA-220's fully upgraded by Elliot with 'low sensitivity' instead of 'high sensitivity' but this is supposed to be the way to go if your preamp can handle it and mike elliot specifically recommends 'low sensitivity' if using with the SA-11 preamp.)

Overall instruments seem unbalanced with too much treble in the forefront, even when adjusting the crossover.

Could it be that the system is simply too bright and that's why i'm feeling the need to turn the volume control up so i can enjoy the midrange? Perhaps the problem is more with cables or a need for power conditioning? oh, god, i'm getting that feeling again. little help?!

Maybe someone out there has a good link for me to read up on this if the answer is too complex.

Thanks in advance.
Kublakhan, Not to worry! Called my Doctor new pill due out soon to fix your condition? Called VIAGRADO, will help get your analogue rig up right.
Amps creating such problem for sure.
They simply have a high distortion levels at low volumes just like pro-gear.
The two Counterpoint amps had their input stage disconnected and directly fed onto the driving stage so there is nothing realy to mod in that case.

>>>Overall instruments seem unbalanced with too much treble in the forefront, even when adjusting the crossover<<< a product of bi-amplification with Counterpoint gear.

And finally, wait for you to say that Conterpoint sucks! Excuse my Friench.
Hello Marakentz- I have read many of your posts detailing your disdain for Counterpoint amplifiers. Could you please detail your experience in listening to them and the extent to which your opinions are based on first hand listening and hands on examination of these amplifiers?

Assuming that your new cables were installed less than 10 minutes ago, give them a hundred hours plus of playing time before going completely nuts.

The few cables that I have purchased "new" were congested/bright (quite a combo) and lacked bass fullness right out of the box.

Once the bass kicked in this was pretty much the way the system balanced out in the long run.

A friend of ours uses a Couterpoint amp (same era as yours, but stock) with an older Mod 3A and little 1.5 Thiels and his systems sounds quite good @ low/moderate listening levels.

If you are still not satisfied following this then I will be happy pull one of the BMI Whales for you to try on the Sony. This cord has plenty of bass/mid-bass when used with source gear (it makes low level listening quite pleasent).