Hi Tubegroover,
Thanks for your kind comment concerning my system. I clearly understand your point and actually agree with you in regard to what's required to make an informed decision. Everyone doesn't listen to symphonic orchestral music so I don't view it as some universal litmus test. I do believe it's a significant part of Jetrexpro and Brownsfan listening (they'll correct me if I'm wrong). If this music is a must for a potential SET owner then
yes, certainly speaker compatibility is crucial to ensure a good match for proper reproduction of this fare. I frequently acknowledge that what works for me may/will not for another with different needs.
In my listening experiences low power amp/ high efficiency speaker is preferable to high power amp/low efficiency-sensitive speaker. I can only report what I hear and readily admit it is an individual matter. Rebbi has been down that road and has expressed more contentment and satisfaction with his current discovery and I for one can relate to this. A speaker like the Tekton or one of similar sensitivity will work splendidly with his amplifier. It seems he's been quite clear on that point.
Thanks for your kind comment concerning my system. I clearly understand your point and actually agree with you in regard to what's required to make an informed decision. Everyone doesn't listen to symphonic orchestral music so I don't view it as some universal litmus test. I do believe it's a significant part of Jetrexpro and Brownsfan listening (they'll correct me if I'm wrong). If this music is a must for a potential SET owner then
yes, certainly speaker compatibility is crucial to ensure a good match for proper reproduction of this fare. I frequently acknowledge that what works for me may/will not for another with different needs.
In my listening experiences low power amp/ high efficiency speaker is preferable to high power amp/low efficiency-sensitive speaker. I can only report what I hear and readily admit it is an individual matter. Rebbi has been down that road and has expressed more contentment and satisfaction with his current discovery and I for one can relate to this. A speaker like the Tekton or one of similar sensitivity will work splendidly with his amplifier. It seems he's been quite clear on that point.