Jolida and B&W Nautilus 805

Has any one had any experience with Jolida tube amps driving B&W Nautilus 805s? I've tried to read up on this in the forums and find two facts:

1. The Nautilus series likes high-powered solid-state amps.
2. Using a single-ended design is not recommended.

Jolida amps are not single-ended, but push-pull designs. My question is, would one of these amps (e.g. JD 202A w/ 40W output) be enough to drive this speaker pair nicely? Or do I need a higher powered model? How much power would be enough? Finally, do you recommend any other tube integrated amplifiers (or solid state) for this speaker pair instead? My budget for amplification (including pre) is $2000.

Thanks for any help!

The midrange is AWESOME with the EL34, but you are certainly right...the bass is certainly lacking. Fortunately the nice folks at my dealer are ordering some Russian tubes they recommend to boost the lower end. I'm not sure which ones they were exactly. Once I get them I'll let you know what I find (and which model they were!).

One final question, if you look at my system, I'm using van den Hul D102 III HB interconnects. Any recommendations on speaker cable? The dealer recommended van den Hul CS102s...which is a silver-copper hybrid, which I think will be a good match keeping the details and clarity.

Oooopps! I misread you on the Jolida, you have the 202, not the 302. The 202 has the smaller transformers, and can only run EL34. Transformers are the reason, moreso than the EL34, that the bass will never fall into the great category, regardless of what Euro or NOS tubes you try. Not to say that it cannot be improved, but you are working against the smaller bandwidth of the smaller transformers.

Still rejoice in that the Jolida 202 is one of the sweetest amps you'll come across, both in terms of sonics and economics. From what it appears, that midrange is really making you smile.

For speaker cable, if you are looking for something under $500, PLEASE try the Coincident 0.5. It is simply a giant killer. Bass is excellent, but the cable is a performer from top to bottom. Erring ever so sligthly to the romantic side. Very full bodied sound, but nice detail. This cable beats out my AudioQuest Midnight at 1/3 the price. You should be able to buy 8' for $200 new. Of course, used would be even less. I just cannot get over how good this cable is, especially when the price is factored in.

If you are looking at anything more expensive, I would give the Coincident CST 1 a shot. It basically corrects any of the 0.5's shortcoming, bringing slightly more slam and resolution. But is the difference worth the difference? Depends on your budget.

I shake my head at people spending crazy money on wire. I have had what many consider the top of the food chain in terms of speaker cable in my system for 8 months, and came to the conclusion that cost is not the determining factor in cable. I ended up replacing it with CST 1, and made a hefty profit along the way, not to mention sound that makes me signficantly happier.
Thanks for the suggestions...I'll do some research.

With some experimentation on speaker positioning, I'm able to tune the bass... Note everything is new and needs breaking in. Then the tubes and speaker wires will be upgraded...
Trelja, your tube knowledge is impressive. Can u shine some light on Jadis Orchestra Reference, Orchestra Signature, DA-50 & Signature?