Accuphase A50V with Sonus Faber Amati

I have seen some A50V being paired with Avalon Edilon which is not exactly amp friendly. Given Amati is more amp friendly than Edilon, will A50V be a good match to Amati?

The other option is to go the opposite extreme and get Pass X600.

What other SS amp should I consider?
I have spoke with a gentleman who had used this combo- he seemed to like it. In fact he had two A-50v's bridged mono and preffered the sound of just one. I believe his moniker here at audiogon is Mfboss try to contact him his name is Mark.
Amati is a amp friendly speaker. Whichever you use will have a good performance with Amati
If you consider Pass amps in the X600 price range, give the XA160 a listen as well. You might or might not like them better. The XA160 has a much lower output rating but it probably still provides more power than you ever need.

I personally use a Pass X350 paired with Avalon Eidolons and I am very happy with that combination.
I'm using Accuphase 75v> Edge NL-10 (225/ch)> SF Electa Amator IIs. I believe the Amatis are less demanding, power wise: I need all the power for rock at concert hall volumes.
I immediately previously had the Pass X250 and it was less impressive than the Edge, though I had a different cdp (Audio Note x3.1), and I had the Pass X2.5 preamp, as well.
Anyhow, the Edge is VERY musical w/the SFs. These three= synergy.