Bryston Vs Theta

G'day all. I've just purchased a pair of Dynaudio Contour S5.4's (to replace my KEF Ref 3's) as part of an upgrade and looking for a new amp to drive them. Tossing up between a Theta Dreadnaught 2 and a Bryston 6BSST(LCR)/3BSST(rear) combo (price almost the same here) for my system which is used 50:50 HT/music. Customer service at dealers is a major problem here in Hong Kong (they expect you to buy a $6000 piece of equipment without even listening to it!), so the best I've been able to do is hear these amps with Focus Audio speakers (Theta seemed to have bigger soundstage, but Bryston had better bass control). Must say the Bryston Rep here has been extremely helpful, but can't organise a direct comparison. Any comments welcome.
Those are the exact speakers I plan on upgrading too.

Well I use a Bryston 4B-ST with a SP-1.7, I love the 1.7 for 2 channel music. Bt your question is on amps right. I have not listened to the Dreadnaught at home. But from what I have heard it is a most excellent amp. You didnt mention which modules are in the Theta? I think they have 225w mono and 100w stereo modules. I would definately go for the bigger 225w modules.

Bass control is a trait of Bryston amps. I like mine quite a bit. Obviously the 6B-SST will pack more watts and a 20 year warranty. But on Thetas behalf, I just sent in a 12 year old Pro basic DAC for uopgrades/service and the customer service was outstanding.

Dave Reich(Theta) is an outstanding engineer as well as Stewart Taylor(Bryston). I must say it would be a very hard decision for me, but IMO the Theta might have the edge. (personally I would probably get a Pass X350, but I am 70% 2 channel and growing)

Sorry I cant help anymore than that. At least I moved this back to the top =).

Please post a review on the S5.4s. I find myself wandering to the Dynaudio website far too much these days. Maybe I should let my dog chew my credit cards?
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Here's' a vote for the Dreadnaught. If I had not dismantled my HT system and gone back to 2-ch, it would have stayed forever...