Poping noise starting up Mcintosh MA 6900

When I turn on the amp using the standby button, I get a popping noise that is audible through the speakers. Not loud, but can be heard. The amp is just 1 week old. I had the MA 6500 in the same set-up and liked it so much I upgraded to the 6900. The 6500 made no noise, none. Is this inherent to the design (autoformers) or is there a problem? If anyone has the same experience or has suggestions, please respond, thanks.
I also own the McIntosh MA6900 integrated amplifier and my unit does not make a "popping noise" when I turn it on. I do not know why your unit is doing this. Please call the McIntosh retailer you bought the unit from and ask them.
I went to McMasters training, and have a working acquaintence with the products.
Popping through your speakers is not good. The pre amp could have some bad capacitors. The issue here is that if something goes, you could conceivably pass dc, that is direct current, destroying your speakers.
Call McIntosh directly, and get their service department on the line. In the meantime, if you bought it from a local dealer, and it is relatively new, ask him for a brand new one to replace it. McIntosh is really, really, good about this kind of customer service.
Good luck,
Oops, another thought, though a little obtuse. could the popping be coming from noise in the line, and simply coincidental to turn on. (Refrigerators coming on etc send jolts through the line, and I have actually seen this blow tweeters) But that is not the issue since, it only happens on turn on. Just a random thought.