3.6 Maggie owners input needed on amps...........

I just ordered a new pair of 3.6's to replace my 1.6's. I'm currently using an Adcom GFA-5802 amp and would like to upgrade for the new 3.6's. I also use the GFP-750 preamp. What works with your 3.6's? My budget for an amp is in the 1500/2000 range new or used. This quest because of my lack of knowledge needs expert advice. Thank you and it's graetly appreciated too!
I have owned Maggies for 6 years and have tried Adcoms with it but never liked the sound, to me Adcoms always sounded harsh and unmusical. Surprisingly even a Quad 606 did pretty well driving a smaller as well as a mid size maggie. I have heard them paired with tubes as well as better SS amps. You should buy the best you can so that you derive full benefit of their fabulous and soundstage and liquid midrage, not forgetting non fatiguing high end detail. If I were you, I would go for a smaller high quality amp rather than bigger (more wattage) but lower quality if the budget came in the way.

The suggestions given are all good, the only exception being the Krell which in my opinion is not what the Maggies should be paired with. I personally never liked the maggies driven by Krell amplification. Just my own opinion.
After owning a pair of 3.6's, the best I found to drive them was the new Innersound amp. It has clarity that allows the smallest of details to shine thru without any brightness or glare. The midrange is just right, and the top end is way, way extended but never harsh (unless the recording is). The bottom is round, but tight, never dry sounding. It is absolutely dead quiet. With the 3.6's rated at 4 ohms, the amp will give you 600 watts per channel. Without a doubt, unquestionably, it is the best amp I tried on the maggy 3.6's. Best of all, they are reasonably priced. Go get one, you won't be disappointed!
My highest recommendation.
I auditioned the 3.6's with my Classe CA-200 and that combination worked just fine - ie, 200 wpc (well, I guess it's really 400 wpc @ 4 ohms) is quite sufficient. There are plenty of amps that can do the job. The CA200s usually go for around $1200-$1400 here on the 'Gon, and even CA300s are usually under $2000.

I originally heard the 3.6's with a CJ MV55 - definitely, definitely not enough power, although any time it didn't run out of power that was one sweet setup.