ASL Hurricane's -- paper-in-oil, verdict?

OK, now that the "new" version of this much lauded amp is out in the marketplace, does anyone have an evaluation of the "paper-in-oil" caps vs. the MIT caps version that Harry Pearson gushed over?

HP is supposed to do a follow-up, but who knows when that will be....

Just thought I'd "update", those concerned, on the Hurricane's.

I took the plunge, and purchased the oil-in-paper cap version (latest iteration), and well, after 'bout 150 hrs. "burn in", all I can say is WOW.

I'll put it straight and to the point (& from the heart)... Un-freakin' believable! I am finally in sonic nirvana.

After almost 28 years puttering around in this moving-target, carrot-on-the-stick, wife looking at me like "wha the %#$$??!! I have NEVER heard my system, indeed ANY system, sound so LIFE LIKE and MUSICAL.

I can now see/HEAR why the tube-heads out there are such a dedicated bunch.

I should know 'cause now I'm one of them.

Anyone even CONSIDERING tube amplification should ABSOLUTELY audition a well broken-in pair of these.

For under $5k, I feel like I stole them.

Anyone with any questions feel free to contact me anytime.

I am not a dealer, or associated with any "high-end" company, just an audio-nerd like the rest of you.

Signing off with a big audiophile grin,

Denf, Are you running the stock tubes or have you rolled in some NOS or other tubes?
Denf....this is wonderful! I am happy you are in sonic bliss!! I am wondering if the "oil-in-paper" version is the latest or if the one Rb99 (PIO (GREEN METAL)CAP version)
is the latest?? My Hurricanes are the origional (MIT caps). Did you purchase yours as the latest or did you have yours updated??
Rwd; I purchased mine as the latest version, oil-in-paper installed. Also has the "triode/pentode" switch. Still continue to be amazed at the sound of these iron-fist in a velvet-glove beauties!

They continue to sound more "relaxed" and even more dynamic with more burn-in.

I'm also equally impressed with the incredible bass I get out of 'em! Surpasses anything else I've owned up to this point -- and they have all been solid state (!?) Go figure!

Welp, back to sonic nirvana!