synergy ii or aleph p or ?????

I am looking at ss preamps and would like to hear opinions on these or other suggestions in the $2000 and under range. Will use for 2 ch/ ht use. Musical taste is rock/ female vocals. No phono needed. Thanks
I've demoed the synergy preamp and own the Aleph P. I like the Aleph P better personally, it is more like no preamp, very neutral and transparent. The Synergy was to rolled off sounding for my taste.
I had a Rowland Model 10 and a Synergy Pre-Amp - along with Piega P-8 ltd's - the combo is Magical!!!
Ok, now i'm thinking of throwing the placette into the ring. Anyone use it with the rowland? Will it work ok?
Any of the preamps mentioned will work, but it would help if you could explain what "sound" you are trying to obtain? Your preferences will be what determines whether you're satisfied with whatever choice you make.
I geuss i'm looking for a more palpable, emotional piece. I listen to mid tempo stuff so i like nice tight bass. Definately want to avoid anything "zippy" on the high end. Will use for tv watching so i really don't want to worry about tubes burning out. Remote is a must.