Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?

I'm doing research to find a new amp to replace my Parasound HCA 3500. I'd like the tubey midrange but the virtues of SS in the bass. Biamping is not an option as my rack is quite full. I need at least 200 wpc and want to spend less than 2k used. I'm driving VMPS Supertower/R SE's. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Sonographe Sa-250,With plenty of s.s. attributes to go with it.And anyway you know what they say about Macintosh their tube sounds like great solid state and their solid state sounds like great tube.let that float in your head for awhile.
Many tube guys have been happy switching to Clayton amps. Different sound, but many things in common especially smooth midrange. But Clayton will control and drive difficult speakers, especially electrostatics, better.
I've never heard a tube amp before but the Sunfire amps have two sets of connections to the speakers. One is "voltage" source which is supposed to be more like solid state and "current" source which is supposed to be more like tubes. Again, this is taken from their Sunfire documentation.

Conrad Johnson Premier 350 best of both worlds without a doubt. The mid range is very detailed similar to the premier 140 but with better bass control and high end extension.
