ASL Hurricanes vs Tenors - which are better?

Check the latest review of these two great amps at

Let me know what you think?
Rb99, i think that Arthur is right on with many of his perspectives. he blows away many of the myths of high-end audio. but even though he is refreshingly forthright with his opinions......some of what he writes is less than fully justifyable.

in this case he relates opinions of his 'associates' that have heard these various amps......without any context whatsoever of the circumstances of these experiences. he compares the 15 watt Tenors and 75 watt Tenors when, IN FACT, no consumer has had both amps. there is no information on the speakers that these amps (the Tenors and ASL Hurricanes) were compared on......which in the case of any OTL would be a considerable issue.

the reviewers that Arthur so strongly takes to task on his website would never post opinions on amplifiers without a context of speakers that were used or even the system and listening biases of the reviewer. quick and easy has it's place but not when you are generalizing about comparitive performance. Arthur writes quite strongly about amplifiers he has never personally heard.

Arthur's biases in terms of amplifiers is toward the Jadis type of sound......which disqualifies him in my eyes as having much value (as an amplifier reviewer) as i consider the Jadis very colored. i am not saying i am correct......just that his reference and mine are different.
Arthur likes mostly older circut designs.....which in itself is no problem......but over time designs improve (at least to my ears).

a few months back i think i invited you to bring your Hurricanes over to my home to do a comparison with the Tenors.....the offer still stands.
I note that you have a pair of CAT JL-1 LE up for sale. Did you have a chance to compare these to the Tenors (75 or hybrid)? Very curious as Arthur raves about the CAT's on his site.
How can anyone compare a Canadian product to a Chinese product? Never heard either, so this is based purely on jingoistic concerns. Insofar as being worthless, my comments are directly in line with just about everything Arthur Salvatore has ever put in print. Can anyone believe what Mr. Salvatore has to say? I sure can't.
Kleech: The CAT JL1 LE amps are really great. They are rock solid in control and very musical. The Tenor amps are faster sounding, more open and transprarent, and have greater frequency extension. Two different sounds.
I had both amps in and out of my system for over a month using Verity Parsifal Encores for speakers. There wasn't any part of the musical presentation in which I preferred the hurricanes. I also had a quite a few customers come through the shop and take a listen, they too picked the Tenors. I wanted to like the hurricanes (save alot cash)but,for me the Tenors just get it right. If all I listened
to was rock,then maybe my opinion might change, but mostly
jazz and classical in my shop.