Do you own the last amp you'll ever buy?

What is the average lenghth of time a component will stay in your system before you upgrade? Are certain components less apt to be replaced than others? Do speakers tend to stay in a system longer than amps or preamps? If you've finally found the Holy Grail, how many years and changes did it take until you found it? Just curious.
Yes.....but there's still my system at work to tinker with!!

I guess if you want to count all the years in between it was 20 years to get to where I'm delighted enough with the sound of my system to be able to say that. I could never say that with any amp before the current amps (300B SET monos). Amps and speakers seemed to change most frequently for me for some reason. I guess I found the solution from my front end more quickly than the downstream components. The speakers certainly have the most profound effect on the sonic signature of the system and also can dictate the need for a change in amplification (synergy & power). Average length of time....hmmm? The audio disease lay dormant in my system for some ten years at least....kind of like malaria. I just played my existing system and was happy as a clam in my ignorance. Then one day I was reminded of just how profoundly different and wonderful tubes can sound and the shakes and cold-sweats started all over again. During the next ten years I think I must have switched speakers and amps an average of once a year and sometimes more frequently. Now the shakes have stopped and I am good for at least the next ten years or more.........well, at least in the home system!