08-01-15: Zd542I
If you could by a stereo amp that sounds better and has more power than 2
mono amps, why wouldn't that be the better choice?
agree with your view Zd. Carte blanche, I personally prefer the sound of the
Vitus SS-102 stereo amp which sounds a bit warmer and more organic
than the SM-102 mono's. That's in a perfect world, though as with most
audiophiles here I have some room and budget constraints which mean I
don't have the room to accommodate the big SS-102, nor the funds to also
buy the matching preamp (SL-102). I briefly considered the option of bi-
amping the new Vitus SS-025 stereo amp with my current SIA-025
integrated before I remembered the S5's are single wired, so I scrubbed
that option. I could have maybe gone for the SM-011 mono's, but don't
need that much power. Also in that case I would not have been able to
afford the SL-102. I still wanted more power and control & wanted to take
my system to the next level, so in my situation I decided the best solution
was to trade up my integrated amp for an SS-025 stereo amp which shares
the same chassis and price as my SIA-025, but has a LOT more power and
control & is designed in the same way as the SM-011 mono's. That move
leaves sufficient funds to add an SL-102 pre (incl: the requisite cables
and isolation). So it's a question of finding the best compromise within your