Which basic amps can drive 1 ohm loads ?

Which amps will drive 1 ohm loads like Apogee Speakers?
Coming late to the party, I have to ask... what is so special about the Scintillas, or Apogees in general? From what I can gather they are:
difficult to drive, thus making them more expensive,
require heat-producing amps, raising your home cooling cost, making them even more expensive,

No doubt they are great; I am not looking for a fight. But are they that good that they supercede any number of really great speakers out there with fewer strikes against them? Please help me understand what makes 'em tick, using comparos to other good speakers that they would beat for about the same total system price.
If it were true Apogees are expensine, difficult to drive, and require heat-producing amps...etc. I could see your point. ;-)
I myself wouldn't choose any Apogee speakers over today's better offerings, however back in the day I believe they were something to be reckoned with. Regardless, there are other speakers that require stability and current that the question is valid for.
Apogee made many models, some were amp eaters with the Scintillas maybe at the head of that list.

Other models like my Duetta Signatures are not amp eaters at all and can be used even with tube amps. When my big amp went in for service I used a little Krell Kav-500 on the Duetta Sig's with fine results...the Kav-500 is not a power-house amp by any means...120 watts@8ohms.

As far as how good Apogees sound...Like any other speaker line they don't all sound the same so any one model may be more to a persons taste than another.

I can truthfully say the the Apogee Divas were the finest speakers that I have ever heard. Another guy in the listening room did not agree. So it goes in the world of high-end audio. ;)