Best Amp for my new Speakers?

Hi all,

Need help picking the right amp. Candid feedback is always appreciated.


Many of you helped decide which speakers to go for a month ago. I found a demo pair of Revel Studio's in mint condition for a once in a lifetime price and that was all it took. I am not going to receive the speakers for about 2 months because I am in the process of moving between 2 homes in dif. states.

When I was at my dealers, I listened to the Pass X600 and the Levinson 432. The Pass seemed bright - may have been the room (I know many people like this combo). The Levinson 432 seemed much more liquid like- I liked the combo, but spent the majority of my cash budget on these speakers. Now I am in a pickle because I cant afford the 432 right now but feel like this may be the right combo.

Here is what I am considering:
1. Levinson 431 (200 watts / channel - concerned may not be enough juice)
2. Roland Model 10 (150 watts/ I have not demoed this combo but have read many favorable reviews / again, is this enough juice?)
3. Proceed HPA2 (A deal on the used market/ how much of a %step down is it from the Levinson 431?)
4. Pass X250-350 (Is it the room or is this really a bight more of a forward sounding combo)
5. Classe CAM 200 or CAM 350 (demo or used/ not sure if this would be a good sonic match?)
6. EAD Powermaster 2000 (800 watts *2 or 200 watts times 5 - power steering or something like that)
6. Other steals/deals that would be a good fit????

Let me know what you think. I have 2 months to find the "right deal at the right price".

Associated gear: EAD 8000 Theatermaster Pre/Pro, Sony SACD xa777es, Pioneer Elite Dvd, Transparent Audio Cables (sold my old Levinson No. 27 - I was certain not enough juice even though I loved the sound of this amp)


why not e-mail or call a shop that sells Revel and ask what customers prefer?
This will at least give you a good starting point and also not limit you to any particular amp..
Jeff Rowland would be your best bet on Revels. As the Revels are very resolving and detail, it will tell you if the is not up to spec. Best is to try before you buy.
Bound for Sound loves the Pass X-250 with speakers that are in the 4 ohm range and I love mine. Plus they are the best at cusotmer servie period. The X-250 is a much better amp that the Rowland 10, my 10 year old Kinergetics KBA-75 sounded just as good as the 10. There are plenty of used X-250s that are cheap and Pass is very good at servicing used amps. Levinson is very good also.

Happy Listening.
The answer from my dealer is the Levinson 432 (400 watts/channel)- More than I want to spend right now.

Will the 150 watt Rowland 10 be enough juice for say a 15 ft by 20 ft room? I know the gear sounds nice.

I am not that familiar with the Pass gear. It appears to be well built and have a strong following - I like the way it looks too. What areas would you say this amp beats the Rowland/Levinsons? I am concerned that it would be bright compared to the Rowland or Levinson. No way to audition my speakers with this amp in my new home location. Thanks.

Any other thoughts?