When is Belles going to get the credit he deserves

Having been in the audio business for 20 years, owned a High End Store for 12 years, and Director of Sales for a notable High End Manufacturer; I sold just about every high end electronics line on the planet. Also, I was exposed to those few I hadn't sold during my travels while working for the manufacturer, visiting more than 100 stores all across the USA. So this perspective comes from a very broad look at the industry. Dave Belles is making, in my humble opinion, amplification and preamps, which outperform some which cost multiples of his pricing. Yet, when it comes to reviews, he rarely gets a mention. This is unfortunate, since it leaves the consumer, who is searching for great values,out in the cold.
It is true that he is a very small company, and hand builds everything, but isn't that the American Dream? "If I build it they will come" That is worth repeating; HE HANDCRAFTS ALMOST EACH PIECE. In a world of cookie cutter products this is a refreshing difference. The time has come for more people to be aware of his products; they are simply amazing. For the money they are a triumph of ingenuity. Also, some of the reviewers out there need to give this man his due. Marty DeWolf, I think it was, reviewed the 350 Amp, and was spot on on his evaluation. That is a wonderfully open and dynamic amp, and, for a very good price. Are we stuck on, "If they don't advertise, they don't get reviewed?
Comments please.
I purchased a Belles 350a to drive my Vandersteen 3A Signatures. It replaced a $6000 Theta Dreadnaught 4-ch. I have to say it is a finer all around amp. Certainly better in the bass but I found the mids to be more neutral. It's the best amp I've used in the 35+ years in stereo.
Sorry, I can't agree with RHYNO. The 350a is certainly not muted in the highs. It also has the most neutral midrange I've heard out of any amp.
As for the JC1 comparison, I have directly compared the two and I still own the Belles. I found the Parasound to be a good amp but with a slightly edgy sound in comparison and a touch brighter with certainly not as expansive soundstage.
To explain this further, first, I know the Vandersteen's aren't going to be bright, so if a amp is rolled in the highs---it WILL show up. Second, if a amp is full in the mids, this will also show in the Vandersteen's since they are a touch on the warm side to begin with. The point is, the 350a makes the Vandersteens sound neutral.
Does this actually mean the above fellow is wrong? Not really. On HIS system, it may be as he says. System synergy is as important as any other factor. However, on a system I know as well as mine, I just can't agree with his assesment. I also feel Doug Blackburn was right on the spot in his review---of course he does use the Vandersteen 3A Signatures.
I have been a Dave Belles fan for years. Can anything beat his 150A Hot Rod at the $1500 price point? He makes great amps, but you guys should listen to his new 21A preamp!! It uses 2 12AU7 tubes, has remote volume, and sounds better than almost any preamp I have heard. I have had it for about a month and I am more impressed with it every day. Dave continues to quietly make outstanding electronics. This is the work of a master craftsman who continues to create wonderful products. I am always amazed that used Belles gear doesn't bring more dollars. Granted, he's not well known, but he makes great value for dollar products.
Musical Design is another company that rarely gets mentioned...People hang on to their stuff like leaches...
One man's "bright" sound, is another's "extended". I don't find this amp, the least bit "dark". In the first 48 hours, it goes through all kinds of changes, as all gear does, and that is one of its stages, that it goes through, but after just one week, it sounds awfully good.
It's just that, I am personally, frankly amazed at this amp-- for this price. Let's try something fun. (OK, so you have more important things to do with your time than I do) Make a list of all the 6K to 10K solid state amps out there, with comparable wattage. Then audition all of them and compare them to the Belles 350. I personally, and I know this is not emperically true because I think so, think that very few, if any, can come close in all areas. The amp is an honest rendition of music, to me. It is not "dry" sounding like some, so called "neutral" amps, nor is it bass, or lower mid heavy, like some "rich" sounding amps. So, for me it sounds just about right. More resolution? Maybe...but only with a lot more, a LOT more money thrown at it!
I just am amazed that something this good is so little known. Anyone out there looking to spend about 6K on an amp and preamp should at least look at Belles.
Reimer speakers is another similar product. Great sound and great reviews, but I rarely see them mentioned anywhere. He is a one-man shop, building a small amount for a few dealers and everything else on demand. He must be happy with his arrangement or he'd do more advertising.