When is Belles going to get the credit he deserves

Having been in the audio business for 20 years, owned a High End Store for 12 years, and Director of Sales for a notable High End Manufacturer; I sold just about every high end electronics line on the planet. Also, I was exposed to those few I hadn't sold during my travels while working for the manufacturer, visiting more than 100 stores all across the USA. So this perspective comes from a very broad look at the industry. Dave Belles is making, in my humble opinion, amplification and preamps, which outperform some which cost multiples of his pricing. Yet, when it comes to reviews, he rarely gets a mention. This is unfortunate, since it leaves the consumer, who is searching for great values,out in the cold.
It is true that he is a very small company, and hand builds everything, but isn't that the American Dream? "If I build it they will come" That is worth repeating; HE HANDCRAFTS ALMOST EACH PIECE. In a world of cookie cutter products this is a refreshing difference. The time has come for more people to be aware of his products; they are simply amazing. For the money they are a triumph of ingenuity. Also, some of the reviewers out there need to give this man his due. Marty DeWolf, I think it was, reviewed the 350 Amp, and was spot on on his evaluation. That is a wonderfully open and dynamic amp, and, for a very good price. Are we stuck on, "If they don't advertise, they don't get reviewed?
Comments please.
Call Larry at Holleywood Sound.

He will give you a great price and follow-up.
Inquired with whom regarding purchase? WHEN, AND WHAT WAS THE RESPONSE? If you call Power Modules, Dave Belles HIMSELF answers the phone. Give me a break.
I spoke to Dave today, and chatted just casually.
He told me and a friend a joke (not exactly Hennie Youngman) but funny. No rush job, just simple gentlemanly conversation. And Dave is truly a grand gentleman. CHALLENGE TO MATTY; IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BUY AN AMP POST YOUR REQUEST RIGHT NOW I WILL HAVE HIM SEND YOU ONE.(YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT). THIS IS WHERE THE RUBBER HITS THE ROAD. I WILL BET ALL OF YOU THAT MATTY DOES NOT RESPOND!!!!!!
I love unsubstantiated bullsh-t like this.
I can honestly tell everyone here, I have just randomly called Dave 10 times, in the last six months, and never failed to reach him!!
We are all waiting for you to respond Matty.
Good listening to all sincere audiophiles.

I think you need to relax. First, who said called him? I e-mailed him. He has an e-mail address and I used it. And yes, he did not respond. Want to see my e-mail? So much for the un-substantiated bullshit. I was inquiring about the 250I if you must know, trying to see how many updates there have been. I believe there are two. Also trying to see if he sells direct if no dealer in my area.

Anyway, do I want to buy one? Maybe (still). Maybe a 150A Hot Rod instead. Do I need your help in doing so? No thank you, I am quite capable. I am also considering McCormack, as well as some others.

Larry, I am happy that you have such a good relationship with David. Based on this, I can understand your loyalty to him and his company. However, just because you have a good relationship and enjoy positive experiences with his company does not mean that everyone else does.

E-mail in today's age is quite accepted as a means in which to communicate and do business. As such, it is just as important for someone, or a company, to have appropriate coverage to ensure proper and timely response to e-mail. I have not heard back, period. Lack of coverage, too busy, went somewhere else, went to an assistant, I do not know. Because of this it did leave a negative first impression. Is it an accurate representation of his company? I don't know. Am I mis-judging him based on this limited experience? Maybe. But I do know that other companies that I e-mail, Blue Circle, Ridge Street, etc., I get an e-mail back usually the SAME DAY.

Larry, you now have the response you have been waiting for. I hope you find it satisfying.

Maybe, just maybe Dave never got the email. Did that ever occur to you?
Instead of telling hundreds of readers here that "he needs to improve his service", a knee jerk response, you should have followed up. That assumes, of course, that YOU WANTED TO BUY ONE, WHICH YOU DON'T, which is why I said what I did about emailing us now to let us all know.
My world isn't perfect, sometimes these machines let us down. Your whole premise is patently incorrect based on the preponderance of evidence about Belles here from all the gracious respondants who have actually dealt with him.
Plus, you missed the point, WHICH IS, that he's the EASIEST manufacturer to reach, in person, at any time, on practically any day, that I have ever, ever dealt with.
I, and everyone here now know that your comments were misplaced, incorrect, and puffery. If you really want to buy one I gave you the chance which you passed on. If a lost email, or missed email, which happens all the time, changes your mind, you weren't a buyer anyway, something which is obvious to everyone reading this. What is not obvious and absolutely incorrect, is that Dave needs to improve his service...that's a load of hooey from a not participating, non buyer.
Good listening to all serious audiophiles,
Wait, a flash just hit me. I know its revolutionary so let's do a trial run.
Instructions on ordering Belles (or any gear for that matter) just change names and assume that the Manufacturer HIMSELF answers the phone:
Pick up phone, (Make it brief, you're paying a nickel a minute)
Dial number (don't leave any out, you may get Greenpeace or Johnnies Hot Dog Stand)
DIAL:1 585 586 0740
Let ring...
Then (after he answers and says the name of his company, which he most likely will)
Dave: Power Modules...
Bumpkin (boy that name really suits you): Hi Mr. Belles?
Dave: Yes? (See how he keeps it brief to save you nickels?)
Bumpkin: I want an Integrated amp now.
Dave: OK, it'll take a week, I am PERSONALLY HAND WIRING THEM.(That little commercial cost you 2 seconds, or 1/30th of a nickel damn his eyes, tell him you'll take it off the price.
Bumpkin: Uh, OK.
Dave: Send (me or your dealer) a check for (fill in amount)
Bumpkin: Personal Check ok? (Remember the nickels, I can tell you from experience that personal checks are ok, if they're good, so that'll save you 1/60th of a nickle, right there)
Dave: Sure (C'mon Dave, talk faster, those damn nickels are starting to really add up here)
Bumpkin: (Name is perfect I've decided) OK, I'll send it to your address today, and enclose my shipping address.
NOTE to Bumpkin: I can save you 4/60th's of a nickel here, go ahead and throw caution to the wind and assume that those things are OK. He knows, and so do you, that you can probably write this on a note, or hey, even in third world countries, that information is on your check.
Bumpkin: Thanks
Dave: NO,Thank YOU Now here's the important part. Just hang up!
Now this fans, is how real people communicate,and or buy things these days. With Dave right at your finger tips, you can be the proud owner of his (or any other audio gear) in a matter of days.
See? And, even the Bumpkin can do it. Don't be intimidated by all those confusing numbers on the phone, it really, really works!

I hope this humorous interlude makes up for the apparent angst in previous emails!