Meridian 502/557 pre/power

I am looking for a pre/power combo for my sonus faber grand piano homes.

Any one has any experience of the meridian 502/557 combo driving these speakers or similar ones?

Any helpful comments/feedback gratefully received.
I use this combo with Martin-Logan SL3's with no problems.The 557 can drive speakers below 2 ohm's. Electrostat speakers are generally power hungry. You will love the Meridian equipment. Steve
I had this combo, but with different speakers; the 557 is a great amp, the 502, IMO, is ok, if you are not paying a lot for the pre at least you know you will have synergy with the amp, use balanced IC's between the two.
Dick Olsher of the now defunct FI Stereo magazine evaluated the 502 in April of 1997, page 56 giving it a Very positive rating