Dynaco ST-70 and Magneplanar 1.6QR


I just got into this with an entry level system consisting of Magnapan 1.6 and a dyna st 70. I love the sound, and they work fine together ,but I dont get enough gain out of the Dynaco. Should I be getting more?, if not, is there anything I can do, short of swithcing amps that would solve this issue?

If not , do you have any $1000 amp or less alternatives to recomend?

Very grateful for any advice in this matter.
By gain do you mean volume?
I got more volume out of my old dyan-70 by getting rid of the lamp cord power 'cable' and hard wiring a 14 gauge cord with a heavy duty plug.
No doubt,it played louder.
Also,make sure your output tubes are good and dont have high hours on them.The Svetlana EL-34 is a great tube and can give you a cleaner presentaion...clean = increased percieved volume. Also,Have you tried the 4ohm tap?
The Stereo 70 will run out of steam quickly with the 1.6's, I had Rogue Magnum 120's (120 watts) and they were not enough power for my taste.
My MG 1.6 sound much better with a 350 watt Adcom amp than with a 100 watt Adcom amp having similar specs except for power. The message is clear...get more watts.
Maggies need much more power. You could try a good powered sub. If you run from the pre-amp to the sub to the amp, you can filter out all signals below a certain level (100hz?) which will greatly alleviate the strain on the 70. According to Janis Subwoofers, if you eliminate all bass below 100hz, you effectively quadrupal the power available to the speakers!