Audioesq-Esoteric D-70/P-70 combo is #1 flavor. It is still excellent sounding gear but, in direct comparison with D-01/P-01/G-0s it was clear that new combo is better( in RBCDP). D-01/P-01/G-0s has more refined and little bit deeper bass, more presence in midrange( specially on male vocals ) and highs has even more extension and refinement.
My friend owns D-70/P-70 and is very happy with it but, even to him it was cleary that D-01/P-01/G-0s combo is better... He also had a chance to compare D-70/P-70 to new X-01 and for him differences were small( but, in X-01 favor!) so, he will keep D-70/P-70.
If you wan't little bit warmer sound you can add CEC TL-51x cd transport to D-70/P-70 combo. CEC TL-51 is not very expensive and it is warm sounding CDT.
D-70/P-70 is straight #1 flavor as possible but, very good sounding one. Also, sound of D-70/P-70 is best with active preamp in system( around 10-20% depending on preamp) than with Esoteric's volume control.
You can also read TeeJay's comments on CEC,Guidocorona's on X-01 and mine on D-01/P-01/G-0s.
Very important thing is price since D-70/P-70 is not any more availabile in Usa and Europe. If you fing it at very good price go for it. Build quality is far better them most of the other gear in this class.
Happy hunting!
My friend owns D-70/P-70 and is very happy with it but, even to him it was cleary that D-01/P-01/G-0s combo is better... He also had a chance to compare D-70/P-70 to new X-01 and for him differences were small( but, in X-01 favor!) so, he will keep D-70/P-70.
If you wan't little bit warmer sound you can add CEC TL-51x cd transport to D-70/P-70 combo. CEC TL-51 is not very expensive and it is warm sounding CDT.
D-70/P-70 is straight #1 flavor as possible but, very good sounding one. Also, sound of D-70/P-70 is best with active preamp in system( around 10-20% depending on preamp) than with Esoteric's volume control.
You can also read TeeJay's comments on CEC,Guidocorona's on X-01 and mine on D-01/P-01/G-0s.
Very important thing is price since D-70/P-70 is not any more availabile in Usa and Europe. If you fing it at very good price go for it. Build quality is far better them most of the other gear in this class.
Happy hunting!