VAC - any comments? Good or bad.

I am considering buying a set of VAC amplifiers. I have read comments on other companies before her in the forum section, but have never read anything on VAC. Anybody got anything good or bad to say about these guys? Thanks for your comments.
Thanks for the comments guys. I have heard VAC amps in the past and have been very impressed with them. I am looking at buying a set of monoblocks that are no longer in production. I was looking more for info on what type of company VAC is... ie, are they easy to deal with, do they support their older stuff, will they offer help to make their equipment better. I have heard glowing comments about companies like Atma-Sphere and Joule, about how their people go out of their way to be supportive of their equipment and was just wondering if VAC is that kind of company. I was hoping to hear a few war stories about people's experiences with the company itself and not so much about their equipment.
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I OWN A vac AMP AND KEVIN OF VC IS VERY NICE TO DEAL WITH. hE DOES SUPPORT his product old and new...just give him a ring....
I will echo Ryriken's comments about VAC suppottin their older gear. Kevin is very responsive and enthusiastic. Don't hesitate if you have an eye on used VAC gear.
VAC is a great company. I own a discontinued linestage preamp and Kevin has been very helpful with suggestions. He even helped me figure out a problem that ultimately stemmed from another non-VAC component! I don't think you can go wrong with used VAC gear. Good luck.