PassX-250 vs PassX-350

I have the X-150. I'm looking to upgrade. I love the 150 but I want more power. Is it worth it to spend the extra loot on the 350,or is the 250 a close sonic match? Also how will those amps match up with a BAT tube preamp? I appreciate any help or suggestions.
Muralman1 - NO offense taken.

"gold can be paid for, or just found, if your lucky and/or knowledgable" is definitely the main point here.

I was quoting MSRP when making this price relationship between speakers & amp, and in the case of my Aerius, I DID pay full MSRP for them a few years ago, at which point they were the best pieces of equipment IMS.

With all of my recent upgrades, I have come to the conclusion that the Aerius are now the 'weak link' IMS. I decided to stop buying stuff trying to improve the inherent characteristics that the speakers will always have and just change the speakers.

...Cut the head off the bear and he can't bite you anymore, as they say...

Don't get me wrong: I love the Martins and had serious reservations leaving the ML camp. The other speaker upgrade options I seriously considered were the ML Ascents like Krelldog has or the Odysseys.

BTW - I didn't pay anywhere near 7k for the Ravens, either - I am a true GoNNer now - I eat, live and breathe USED audio deals. The Talon dealer in Dallas (AVMaverick) sold me his near-perfect demo pair with the new CMRC crossovers, and could not have been better or easier to deal with.
Bhouser, Muralman1, I may have lost some of the details in paraphrasing what I was told so I thought I'd post the response verbatim. Sorry for any mix-up.
"In circuit design the X150 and X250 are very
similar. They both use some localized feedback around the output stage which bumps up their damping factor dramatically compared to the larger amps (X350, X600 and X1000). This higher damping factor contributes to exceptional bottom end, although the zero negative feedback characteristic of the larger amps adds to their lushness and overall neutrality. There are tradeoffs, always. However, all the X series amps are extremely dynamic, with very listenable top ends that are not forward or bright, and are very quick and responsive to musical transients."
Sonic signature similar but you gain X% in dynamics, bass slam, details. The BAT preamps drive any amp without a hitch. I used to own the VK-30SE with my X-250.

Happy Listening.
Great info Nutella- Thanks for the clear definition.

..."all the X series amps are extremely dynamic, with very listenable top ends that are not forward or bright, and are very quick and responsive to musical transients."

I could NOT agree with this statement more, especially when I mated my X-250 with the Talons yesterday - the speed, dynamics and transients really stand out now.
I went to their site and checked out the feedback issue. Nutella is right. Funny, I never saw that before, and I owned an X150. The X150 is a great amp with lots of spunk and clarity. There was nothing offensive about it's top end. It smoked a Krell KSA. I got nothing but rave reviews with it mated to an 86db 4 ohm speaker.