What after Aleph 3, need more juice?

Bought Watt/Puppy 5.1, Aleph 3 isn't up to task in my new bigger room. Love Aleps but need more power. Any suggestions please? Maybe i should sell W/P and buy other speakers to match my amp...?
W/P's and a pair of Pass Labs Aleph 2 monos are a seriously sweet, but surprisingly dynamic combo, even in a large room. Aleph 2s sold for $6800/pr new, and you should be able to find a good used pr for half of that.
You can get another Aleph 3 for biamp or bridging.
I always prefere bi-amp.
Another option is Plinius SA100 used.
Try a Pass Labs-X-250 for around 3K or an X-350 for around 4k. It will make those puppies sing.