thats an interesting way of putting it.
My reccommendation however, is if you have a Dog do not get a tube amp.
I have a dog, a nice german shepard mix named Jagermeister, one day she started looking ill, i took her to the vet and they thought something might be obstructing her digestive track.
Got some X-Rays done and sure enough, she swallowed a lightbulb.
She ate a lightbulb. The X-ray showed it to be intact, and they had to remove it from her belly.
Not a HUGE lightbulb mind you, just a little 40-Watter, same size as what you find in lavalamps.
So.... from MY experience, If you have a dog, dont keep things that look like lightbulbs laying around the house, which includes Tubes.
Ohyeah, and dogs CAN unscrew things. They had no trouble unscrewing the cap on my waterbed. No puncture marks, no teeth marks, but they DID unscrew the cap.
lost about 10-15 gallons. Up all night long with a Rug-Docter sucking the water outta the carpet.
Got a mattress the next day.
I love dogs.
Oh and yes, i kept the lightbulb, it still worked. :)
thats an interesting way of putting it.
My reccommendation however, is if you have a Dog do not get a tube amp.
I have a dog, a nice german shepard mix named Jagermeister, one day she started looking ill, i took her to the vet and they thought something might be obstructing her digestive track.
Got some X-Rays done and sure enough, she swallowed a lightbulb.
She ate a lightbulb. The X-ray showed it to be intact, and they had to remove it from her belly.
Not a HUGE lightbulb mind you, just a little 40-Watter, same size as what you find in lavalamps.
So.... from MY experience, If you have a dog, dont keep things that look like lightbulbs laying around the house, which includes Tubes.
Ohyeah, and dogs CAN unscrew things. They had no trouble unscrewing the cap on my waterbed. No puncture marks, no teeth marks, but they DID unscrew the cap.
lost about 10-15 gallons. Up all night long with a Rug-Docter sucking the water outta the carpet.
Got a mattress the next day.
I love dogs.
Oh and yes, i kept the lightbulb, it still worked. :)