OK folks, what the best pre for under 10,000?

Excluding "statement" preamps like the new Naim pre that I'm sure is wonderful, but was never really designed to sell, just stand as an example for the rest of their "trickle down" line. Or the Levinson #32 at, what is it? $15,000. Also, must be a relatively newer model. Examples: Levinson 380S, Pass Labs X1, Bat , audio research, your favorite ______ ? And, if your feeling verbose, why you feel that way.
A few have asked what makes up the rest of my system, so here goes. Sony scd777es, Levinson 360s DAC, Parasound A21. For speakers, I have an older pair of Celestion SL monitors standing in while I finish my project that uses all high quality components. It's an MTM 3-way: Aurum Canton ribbon, Scan Speak revelator 5", and Scan 10". In a sealed enclosure. I know what some of you think, one of these DIYer's who thinks he's Joe D'appolito. It will be a fine neutral design. How do I know? Because the it's designed with the crossover on the outside so I can tweak them till I get it right. I also have measurement equipment and design software.
Also, I don't see replacing the 360S even though Levinson just discontinued it after suggesting in their site that they would offer an upgrade to allow decoding of hirez once that becomes possible/legal. So I have to use a preamp. Since I have the DAC and only use digital sources I really only have 1 source to the amp, plus my cable TV output, which might go completely digital in the future anyway.
I've really though about going without a preamp, before I bought the DAC and was actually considering Wadia. But so many seem to be against digital volume controls. I've read about it on Wadia's site and in some reviews and must say that it seems like quite a compromise. Removing the "least significant bit?" Isn't that how those things attenuate? I've never actually listened to a system set up that way so let that qualify everything I say here. I've heard others say that Wadia's digital sound is a little on the dry side and these were audiophile who had no vested interest in what I bought, so they weren't try to influence a buying decision. I'm really not trying do poop on Wadia, digital volume controls or anybody who sell, uses, or even just likes the way they look. (Don't they look fantastic?) Long story short? I need to use a preamp.
Gryphon Sonata Allegro is the finest preamp I have heard. new $15,000 (on audiogon $8,000-$9,000)
That sounds like a great speaker project,,,I love the ScanSpeak drivers,,,those paper treated wonders!!
I also thought digital volumes had some question marks too. But the Wadia's volume control is probably the best preamp you could even own, especially if your only using digital sources. Its output uses both balanced outputs along with single ended, and allows you to best match up the output voltage with the input voltage range on the amps being used. The idea behind the volume is to set the output voltage range so that your listening volume is in the top 3rd of the output volume so that you dont lose any defenition. This actually gives a pretty large volume window from soft to relatively loud. But even in the bottom 2/3's with the output voltage set improperly I have yet to hear someone legitimately say they hear information loss, its just no the case at all. As for Wadia sounding dry. Just buy one and send it to GNSC for the ultimate statement upgrade and you can have the most musical sounding preamp/cd transport period.