Need Headphone amp under $300?

I'm in need of headphone amp under $300. I'll be buying some cans in the future as well.(Sennheiser HD-580's / Beyerdynamic DT-880 or AKG K-501's ?) Prefer to stick w/SS. Creek is coming out a new model, the OBH-21 I believe. Sumiko makes a model as well. Anyone familiar w/these models or could you recommend something else in this price range. Thanks, Bill.
Thanks for your replies. I've done some research on the two sites you've mentioned (BTW, great web-sites!), a I've came up w/these impressions. All three cans which I'm considering are all very highly regarded. However, for the $ the AKG-240S has really caught my attention. These can be bought around $100 new @ a few places. As far as headphone amps, the Meier-Audio "Cordia HA-1" caught my eye. The Perreaux looks interesting as well but doesn't have the "crossfield" effects as does the "Cordia." The MF-X Can and the Grado are well-regarded as well, but the Grado uses batteries and the MF uses tubes, which has its +/-'s. I'm using a Kora tube hybrid int. amp so I'd like to go SS w/the headphone amp. My local dealer whom I purchased the Kora from I'm sure could offer a discount on a Creek. I'll be doing some research/auditioning shortly. Thanks for your replies. I appreciate it! Bill
I use Stax SRM1 SS unit with STAX SR5 electrostatic ear-speakers. I found this combo fast and superior to many Grado combinations and very comfortable on your ears and head(wich is very important as well). You can get them used for a-bit above $300 or sell it for the same price if you won't like it. Well worth to try.
Headromm Home is ss, can be purchased used for about $300, has crossfield circuit. Sounds great w/my HD 600s.
Ditto MF X-CAN V2 with Senn HD600s. I have read that upgrading the cable to the phones improves the sound too but haven't tried that tweak...yet!
I've also got the x-can with the senn hd 600's. It sound's velvety smooth to me.