newbie seeking stereo system advice

hello - i have recently began to purchase my first decent stereo system, actually to me this would be a great stereo system as i have been accustomed to junk hand me downs from best buy and the like.

so i purchased a roksan kandy integrated amp and a pair of axiom m60 speakers and i have been pleased with the result.

now i am looking to take a "next step", i am looking to get a little more power (in my terms, that means i would not have to make the amp work as hard to get the volume level where i want it) i do not know if this is an accurate assessment

finally to my question(s), would bi amping be a logical next step? if so, could anybody recommend an good used amp to look out for, unfortunately, i need to stay around the $400 range

thanks in advance for any suggestions and bearing with me through i am sure are rather too general or ridiculous questions

Hi Sean:

In your price range, either used or new on sale, a couple of good bets are the NAD C541i and the Cambridge D500 SE, both of which have been very well rated in various audio mags (for what that's worth). Also, you could try to find a dealer who will let you borrow for an in-home audition.

Most people recommending the Cambridge also suggest a power cord upgrade. The Signal Cable or Absolute Power Cord, both available here at Audiogon, are great bargains.

I got the upgrade bug a year ago and agree that the source is most important. With that philosophy I started with a good redbook CD player (Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with 24/192 upsampler). After auditioning many players, I decided this was a giant killer for $1,000 with Siemens NOS tubes included from Upscale Audio. Check out their website at . Good luck and happy listening.
Another cdp to consider (used) in your range would be a Rega Planet. The Rega would certainly give you a different sound than your pioneer--richer, warmer, fuller. And if you don't like it, you should be able to resell if for roughly the same amount. Don't get me wrong, I also like the other suggestions (in fact I own the cambridge mentioned above), but maybe you're in the mood for something a little on the "different" side? The Rega would qualify.

Welcome to the endless audio journey to find musical perfection. I have completly changed my system over the last two years via this site. One thing that I learned is that I will never buy a piece of new audio gear again. I have purchased demo or slightly used equipment and have saved 40% off of retail. I would recommend having a upgrade game plan and purchase the best equipment for the buck you can find. If you do make an upgrade make it count. It doesn't make sense to upgrade from a $500 Cd player to a $700 player. If you do an amp upgrade, think of it terms of the next speakers and front end you may be shooting for. This is an addictive hobby and I started my quest in 1976. I have always let the the music be the objective and never the hardware. Enjoy the journey.