Easier maintenance ARCVT100mkII or VTL mb125

I'm wondering if anyone with experience with either of these amps could shed some light on the subject of retubing and setting bias.

As I don't know much about either I should explain that Im looking for a tube amp with ease of use and lower costs to retube. I heard the ARC can be quite pricey and tricky to retube/bias etc.

Any info would be useful and appreciated.
Do not know about the VTL MB125, however, the ARC VT100MKII can be tricky and expensive to re-tube. Try
http://mycollins.net/audio/ He goes through the re-tubing procedure for the ARC. (Nice detailed pictures) Last time I checked with ARC, the cost to retube the 100MKII was in the $800-$1000 range plus freight.
I can't comment on the ARC or VTL. But, you can get autobias tube amps. Wolcott's and BAT are 2 examples...
Ease of maintenance led me to the BAT VK-60 with autobiasing. No need to mess with meters and small tools.