Classe Reliability : Your Opinions?

What has been your experience with the Classe products that you've owned? How do they compare with industry benchmarks such as Bryston?

I've owned 2 Classe products previously, a CAP 100 and a 15 Both performed flawlessly over the many years that I owned them. Not a single problem, not even a blown fuse. I bought the 15 when Classe products came with a life time warranty. I always have wondered whether the lifetime waranty was withdrawn for commercial reasons, or due to an increase in the frequencey of repairs.

research shows that the average hi end consumer keeps a component for about twenty minutes. a lifetime warr was overkill.
Excellent company with excellent product & worthy competitor of Bryston. Like the latter before it made a sales stunt out of it Classe continues to interpret warranties on the customer's behalf very liberally. My guess is that it reduced its legal responsibilities just to be on the safe side. Cautious people those Canucks!
As another member pointed out to me, the term "Lifetime Warranty" could be interpeted in many ways and probably opened a can of worms for Classe's lawyers.

For those of you who have had a chance to experience the last 3 generations of Classe amplifiers I'd like to know your opinions. Any thoughts on comparisons between the 10/15/25 generation of amplifiers versus the CA 200/300/400 and CA 201/301/401 generations? Not just in terms of musical characteristics but also in terms of reliability and build quality.
Very disparaging views of Classe gear. In Audioreview, reviewers have complained extensively about their CDP, being very troublesome. Other complains were about some of their amps, post DR design. It seems that the new CA 101 and on, are fine. But sporadically there are people who do complain about the 200, 300 amps. The DR designs do not seem to break down often and have excellent used market you can see in Audiogon. I do not own any Classe to stand by my views, this is just a reaction to what I have noticed while reading threads.
I had a DR9 for over 10 years, never a problem. Even if nothing goes 'wrong' a lifetime warranty would cover things that will wear out over a long period of time like some capacitors so I can see why a manufacture wouldn't do the lifetime thing. I think the 'old' Classe put itself on the map with the unlimited warranty as a way to tell people just how well made those things were.