Classe Reliability : Your Opinions?

What has been your experience with the Classe products that you've owned? How do they compare with industry benchmarks such as Bryston?

I've owned 2 Classe products previously, a CAP 100 and a 15 Both performed flawlessly over the many years that I owned them. Not a single problem, not even a blown fuse. I bought the 15 when Classe products came with a life time warranty. I always have wondered whether the lifetime waranty was withdrawn for commercial reasons, or due to an increase in the frequencey of repairs.

I had a DR9 for over 10 years, never a problem. Even if nothing goes 'wrong' a lifetime warranty would cover things that will wear out over a long period of time like some capacitors so I can see why a manufacture wouldn't do the lifetime thing. I think the 'old' Classe put itself on the map with the unlimited warranty as a way to tell people just how well made those things were.
I have a Claase cav 150 that I am very pleased with, the led light burnt out and it was sent to Classe and received it back in less than 2 weeks.
I've owned a DR5 preamp for fifteen years and it has never required repair and still works flawlessly, even the red indicator light is still operable which is amazing considering it is powered up all the time, something over 130,000 hours! My DR8 power amps have both had many failures of the power switches, they arc and weld their contacts together, at least always failing in the "stuck on" position. Classe no longer supplies the switches despite their "lifetime" warranty but I have sourced replacements from an outside company. For the most part I leave them switched on and power them up through a switched outlet, end of problem. The CA300 I owned for awhile was trouble free.
I own two Classe 25 amps and Cp-60 pre amp, have had no problems what so ever. I leave all my Classe equipment on 24/7