Bruce's review is just what I was referring to about credible posts from satisfied customers. Very articulate and descriptive. A single good review like that is very helpful to anyone who is trying to find their way through the maze of audio gear. Good job Bruce!
Mitch, we all have to try to place a comparative value on our purchases. You do have a good point regarding the additional labor of disassembly. For that reason, plus the additional cost of double shipping, I urge people who send in for upgrades to have as much done as possible the first time they send in a component rather than plan to upgrade in stages. The Siltech carbon wire, which was not available at the time of my upgrade, is one good example how you will save money. Be sure to read about it and you will see what I mean.
Mitch, we all have to try to place a comparative value on our purchases. You do have a good point regarding the additional labor of disassembly. For that reason, plus the additional cost of double shipping, I urge people who send in for upgrades to have as much done as possible the first time they send in a component rather than plan to upgrade in stages. The Siltech carbon wire, which was not available at the time of my upgrade, is one good example how you will save money. Be sure to read about it and you will see what I mean.