New Tenor Hybrid

With 7 or 8 pairs of the new monoblocks all ready delivered, who is going to be the first to post a mini review?
Frank & Mike,

Thank you for your candid responses. Frank, I found it very educational that Kharma had such limited distribution in the USA. It explains alot! As far as my inference to the dealer. I have attempted to do business with the dealer in question and it was a unique experience. I do plan on audtioning the HP 300's so I will refrain until I have heard them.

Has anyone compared the stereo 150’s vs. the monoblock 300’s? How close is the performance between the two? I currently own the 75’s and they provide a magical combo with the Wilson x-1’s. These efficient speakers don’t require a lot of power. If the 150’s have the same “magic” as the 300’s (at lower power) they could be an ideal lower cost solution.

Levinson’s 33h vs 33’s would be similar a comparison. I heard both. The 33’s did everything slightly better than the 33h’s. However, unless you heard them side by side, for me the difference was negligible. I kept the 33h’s until the Tenor 75’s.

How good are the 150’s?

hi mike, to my knowledge.....the first prototype stereo 150 is not yet there is no comparative info yet. considering Tenor's track guess would be that the stereo 150's will be virtually indistiguishable from the mono 300's except where the additional power is usefull.

there are always marginal differences between stereo and monoblock versions of amps as far as stage size and noise floor so i would expect some minor differences here.

i hope all is well with you and your wonderful system.