Teajay, Sextet(two AES/EBU cables!) should be here till end of this week... New Krell EVO505(CD/SACD) player will be in my home in March(just after production begin). I have extremly high expectations about Krell since it is using CAST connection-it will perfectly fit in my system No.1, but, till sommer Krell is planning to introduce even more advanced Evolution Three(3 chassis) player. There were many different and interesting new digital gear at CES. I will try to audition new dCS DAC8e/T8e combo very soon-these two are more advanced version of P8i player. MBL introduced 1622 CD/SACD transport and their 1611E DAC is now having a SACD playback upgrade-another potential candidate for auditioning. Reference Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s combo will revisit my systems in few weeks-I am very interested in this combo, I will put it against my reference Weiss Medea/Jason combo and winner will stay in my home. In late February I will have EmmLabs DCC2/CDSD combo for auditioning-only thing that is not very moving about Meitner gear is their build quality, it is a huge step belove(specially CDSD) Esoteric or Weiss. In April Esoteric D-03/P-03/G-0s combo will be ready for Europe and, of course, I will try to get my hands on them...
All in all, this will be interesting late winter time...
For the end little bit of my current thinking-it seems to me that new digital players around $10K(ARC REF CD7,Krell EVO505, etc.) are closing the gap between them and digital combos around $20-25K. Performance between them should be night and day if we look at the price but, in reality they are IMO not that huge(and in some cases they are even not present or are very small)...
Teajay, this weekend I again had Accustic Arts combo in my home and I was again impressed with thier performance. In that price range this is a combo to beat!
All in all, this will be interesting late winter time...
For the end little bit of my current thinking-it seems to me that new digital players around $10K(ARC REF CD7,Krell EVO505, etc.) are closing the gap between them and digital combos around $20-25K. Performance between them should be night and day if we look at the price but, in reality they are IMO not that huge(and in some cases they are even not present or are very small)...
Teajay, this weekend I again had Accustic Arts combo in my home and I was again impressed with thier performance. In that price range this is a combo to beat!