Small size tube amps...any recommendations??

I'd like to know if there are triode or whatever amps out there that use skinny power tubes the size of a pinkie....that don't use bigger EL34 or 6550 size tubes.

I have relatively efficient speakers...Soliloquy 5.3 ...90dB...reportedly will play with as few as 8 watts.

A long time ago I heard a small amp with small-diameter power tubes and it sounded very nice - but I needed gobs of power then for my DQ 10's.

Please recommend some to check out.

Many thanks!

Go to and look at the Cayin TA30.
$500-$800 NEW. Looks Great and sound Great.
I agree, the EL84 that you are probably referring to sounds great. Many vintage Pilot, Heath, Fisher, Scott and more used this tube. Very sweet and warm sounding. From what I know, Decware mentioned above uses a Sovtek CV83-not the same. Decware is supposed to sound great. However, you won't get 8 watts out of a Decware. Most are 2 to 5 watts, a few of the models go up to 7.

Check out ebay under tube amplifiers to check out some neat old EL84 based pieces. My old pilot will keep up with most $1500 amps, that's why people will pay $300 or more for a mint vintage piece. Most of the vintage units used 2 EL84's per channel also which should get you 15 to 20 watts per channel.

7189 based amps will work just as well. They are almost the same as EL84's (not identical but interchangeable).

A mono pair of their small amp would rock with the Soliloquy's. These are superb sounding amps.