Stereo Tube Amp Recommendations

What stereo only tube amps do you recommend in the price range of $2-$4K. I would be using them to mate with the Talon Raven-C speakers. I was considering the used ARC VT-100 MKII, VAC Std 105, VAC Renaissance 30/30 or Graaf GM-100. I want an amp that will control some musical solid bass and provide extened sweet high frequencies and a liquid mod-range.

Thanks and Happy Listening.

The old VTL Stereo50 would be a great choice if you can find one. This amp had it "going on" with excellent KT66 sonics, superb bass, liquid mids. The build quality varied with different batches, which is perhaps why VTL didnt' do so well agains't the likes of CJ or ARC. But those little stereo50s were great. They also made a stereo45 which was equally good, but used the EL34 instead of KT66s.
Save some $$$$$ and ck out a PS-AUDIO HCA-2 I replaced a cary rockit88 with one & I can hardly believe it. The HCA-2 is a killer amp. Ben in UTAH........
You might also consider the CJ Priemer 11. I think it is no longer manufactured, but I found it to be an excellent stereo amp. You can usaully pick them up for $1700-$2000 here at Audiogon
Don't know too much about the speakers, but I am very happy with my Sonic Frontiers Power 2. Plenty of bass power and control along with all of the other goodness associated with tube sound.

Before I got it I listened to a Bruce Moore - at the upper end of your price range, very good!! - out of my price range, or I would have gone that way.